16 Mar 2021

Guide to March’s Wildflowers

Ardd Fotaneg · Botanic Garden

March means one thing – it’s officially spring!

After the dark winter months, the days grow longer, and the temperatures begin to rise. The arrival of spring is heralded by the return of birdsong and the first wildflowers of the year.

Snowdrops are finishing their flowering season and are joined by masses of lesser celandine, which seemingly pop up overnight. The first daisies being to populate our lawns and signal that our gardens will soon be full of life.

In ancient woodlands, native daffodils and wood anemones take advantage of the leafless trees to bask in the strengthening sun.

Clusters of primroses line hedgerows which are highways for small mammals, busy after they’ve awoken from their winter hibernation.

We’ve put together this handy guide to some of the most common and beautiful wildflowers you can find in March, which you can download below.

Hopefully, this will give you a starting point from which you can go on to identify even more species.

The variety of plant species can seem daunting at first but once you get your eye in you’ll be able to see much more around you and you’ll spot these plants everywhere you go.

March is just the start of the botanical year, we’ve published more monthly guides to help your identification skills.

You’re welcome to tag @BiophilicWales or @WatersElliot into photos of wildflowers that you’ve seen, or you need help with identifying!

Download: March Wildflower Guide