7 Dec 2022

Moth Recording 2022 – Conservation Volunteers

Conservation Volunteers

For the past nine years a small group of volunteers from within the Conservation Group, working as a team identify and record moth species found at the Garden.

The end of the year provides an opportunity to review the 2022 results.

Approximately twice monthly the light trap is set up. The moths are identified, recorded and then released. The number of moths recorded each time very much depends on the flight season of the species, phase of the moon and the weather conditions in the area. In summer the trap could contain as many as 150 moths, at other times fewer than six, and include Macro and Micro moths.

Reference Books used include:

Moths of Great Britain and Ireland – Martin Townsend and Paul Waring

British Moths – Chris Manley

Field Guide to Micro Moths – Phil Sterling & Mark Parsons

Atlas of Britain & Ireland’s Larger Moths – Zoe Randle, Les J Evans-Hill, Mark S Parsons, Angus Tyner, Nigel A D Bourn, Tony Davis, Emily B Dennis, Michael O’Donnell, Tom Prescott, George M Tordoff & Richard Fox (n.b. The current edition of this book includes details of the moth sponsored by the National Botanic Garden of Wales Wildlife Conservation Volunteers – Scarce Bordered Straw Helicoverpa armigera

This year we have identified in excess of eight hundred and fifty moths, 200 plus species. We have all found it interesting and educational to be part of the team identifying so many beautiful and delightfully named moths.

Among our highlights are:

  • Emperor Moth Saturnia pavonia – identified in March
  • Chocolate Tip Closteria curtula -seen in May not usually this far west
  • Privet Hawkmoth Sphinx ligustri – the largest resident Moth seen in July
  • Red-Green Carpet Chloroclysta siterata– noted for the first time in October
  • Gold spot Pulsia festucea
  • Garden Tiger Arctia caja
  • Elephant Hawkmoth Deilephila elpenor
  • Peach Blossom Thyatira batis