‘The Dragon’s Breath’ – a spectacular new event coming to NBGW in October 2024

This Autumn, the National Botanic Garden of Wales in collaboration with one of the UK’s leading outdoor arts organisation’s is bringing an exciting new major event to Wales. ‘Anadl Y Ddraig – The Dragon’s Breath’ festival will provide the Garden with the opportunity to launch itself as one of Wales’ major venues for art and culture events, as it gets ready for its flagship anniversary year in 2025.

The event will be held over four evenings between October 24th – 27th, giving visitors the opportunity to see the Garden and its unique features brought to life through an immersive ‘fire trail’.

Creation and delivery of the event will be carried out by award winning outdoor arts events company, ‘Walk the Plank’, who specialise in making art, festivals and events that engage citizens in public celebration across Wales, the UK and globally.

National Botanic Garden of Wales Director, Dr Lucy Sutherland said,

“We’re so excited to be able to announce this major event for not only the region but for Wales as a whole. It’s been a long-standing ambition of the Garden to establish itself as one of the country’s most iconic venues for arts and cultural events and we’re delighted to be collaborating with ‘Walk the Plank’ to help us achieve this. As well as their outstanding track record of delivering spectacular events across the World, environmental sustainability is at the heart of what they do, so the fact that their ethos as an organisation is very much aligned with ours here at the Garden is great. As well as appealing to people in communities across Carmarthenshire, we hope that the event will attract visitors from across Wales and beyond!”

Walk the Plank’s Senior Producer, Bev Ayre is equally excited about the event,

“We’re thrilled to be creating this spectacular event for the National Botanic Garden of Wales and continuing our long history of making work in Wales. Drawing on the richness of Welsh heritage and culture and the vital environmental work of the Gardens audiences can expect an immersive experience filled with poetry, music and fire, dragons and song.” 

Community engagement and education outreach will also be major part of the event, and as well as the spectacular ‘fire garden’, it will feature local performers, artists, poets and musicians, and Performing Arts students from the University of Wales Trinity St David’s in Carmarthen, who will create site animating performances to help tell the spectacular story.

Although other ‘fire gardens’ have taken place at other venues across the world, this event will be the first if its kind to be held in Wales, and will provide an amazing opportunity to see one of the country’s most iconic attractions transformed in such a unique way.

Tickets for the event plan to go on sale on the National Botanic Garden of Wales’ website from end of May / start of June.