Resources for Improving Biodiversity

There is increasing appetite to maximise the benefit of our surrounding spaces in providing for wildlife. Here we have collated links to available resources which provide advice and guidance on increasing and identifying biodiversity. These resources contain advice and examples from the agricultural scale, to our shared public spaces, as well as gardens and small areas.

Habitat creation and management

Planning and Interpretation


Road verges

  • Plantlife Road Verge Hub (
    • The hub for in depth advice and case studies on road verge management from Plantlife.
  • Managing grassland road verges: A best practice guide (
    • Plantlife’s detailed guide for highway managers, road engineers, operations managers, landscape architects and other people involved with creating and managing grassland road verges. The guide includes information about the importance of grassland verges for pollinator conservation and maintaining/improving biodiversity, assessing current biodiversity on road verges, improving wildflower diversity on grass verges, which plants should be included, maintaining existing species-rich grass verges, managing competitive and problem species without eradicating the species entirely and monitoring the verges. (Cymraeg)
  • The good verge guide (
    • Plantlife’s guide to the different type of road verges in the UK and grass verge management. The guide provides information about why road verges are important for maintaining biodiversity, species that may be included on road verges, when and how to cut and mow grass verges, information about who is responsible for maintaining verges in different areas, controlling invasive and competitive species, advice for the general public about what they can do to improve grass verges and additional resources for people to learn more about road verge management.
  • Managing Transport Corridors For Pollinators (
    • Buglife’s guide to managing road edges and more for pollinators, covering grasslands, hedges, wet areas and more. Seasonal plant recommendations are given. (Cymraeg)



  • Managing brownfields for scarce bumblebees (
    • Buglife explain the importance of wildflower rich brownfields, lists important plants which are found in brownfields, describes threats to bumblebee populations and explain how to create and manage habitats for bumblebees.
  • Brownfield, quarry and industrial land management (
    • Bumblebee Conservation Trust’s factsheets on brownfield, quarry and industrial sites. Factsheets include information about nesting habitats, what to plant, what to consider when planting and when to plant different flowers. One factsheet (managing brownfield and industrial land) includes a timeline for managing land for bumblebees.

Urban green spaces

Gardens and gardening

Tree planting

Wildlife-friendly gardening

Pollinator nesting sites

  • How to create a Bee Bank (
    • Buglife’s guide to creating habitats for solitary mining bees. Includes information about locations for nesting sites, how to make the bee bank and how to maintain the bank. Also includes information on how to create nests for leafcutter and mason bees. (Cymraeg)
  • All about bee hotels and how to make your own | National Botanic Garden of Wales
    • Information on bee hotels for solitary bees and detail on different types of solitary bees and the types of habitats they live in. It describes different ways to build a bee hotel with attached instructions on a few examples and also options to buy for the garden. It then gives advice on how to maintain the bee hotel and attract bees to your garden. (Cymraeg)
  • Establishing a bee hotel (
    • Buglife’s guide on the key factors to consider with a bee hotel and information on the bees and wasps that may use a bee hotel.

Being peat-free

Growing from seed

Growing food

Native plants

Plants for pollinators


Ecology and species identification


