The Garden’s Science department provides opportunities for students to learn and develop skills, as part of our mission to train the next generation of plant scientists.
We have PhD and Masters studentships linked with universities throughout the UK. The department offers yearly research internships, where undergraduates take a year placement to work as a core part of our Science team. We also welcome and provide work-experience opportunities for A-level to postgraduate students.
Undergraduate Interns
Leila Franzen University of Bath (2023-2024)
Remy Wood University of Bath (2022-2023)
Neryse Mably Aberystwyth University (2022-2023)
Ellyn Baker University of Exeter (2021-2022).
Gabriel Tweedale University of Bath (2021-2022).
Thomas McBride University of Nottingham (2020-2021).
Katie Ritchie University of York (2020-2021).
Lydia Cocks University of Reading (2018-2019).
Harry Allen University of Bath (2018-2019).
Louisa Smith University of Manchester (2017-2018). Using DNA barcoding to investigate forest composition and regeneration in Sabah, Borneo.
Lucy Bidgood University of Nottingham (2016-2017).
Alice Hope University of Manchester (2016-2017). Using DNA barcoding to investigate adult-sapling community differences in tropical rainforests.
Tim Foster University of Bath (2015-2016). How can DNA barcoding be used to assess the successional state of tropical rainforest in the Lower Kinabatangan wildlife sanctuary?
Zara Riches University of Manchester (2015-2016).
Tegan Gilmore University of Manchester (2014-2015). Can DNA barcodes be used to map the foraging patterns of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.)?
Jake Moscrop University of Durham (2014-2015). The foraging habits of Apis mellifera L. explored through DNA barcoding.
Abigail Lowe University of Southampton (2014-2015). A meta-analysis on the floral preferences of the Western honeybee, Apis mellifera L., in Europe.
Elizabeth Chapman University of Birmingham (2013-2014). Do protected area designations consider the evolutionary potential of Welsh grasslands?
Alicia Thew Cardiff University (2013-2014). Ecological and phylogenetic community analysis on Bornean botanical plots.
Ellie Brittain University of Bath, (2012-2013). Creating a plant DNA barcode reference library using the ITS2 marker.
Aoife Sweeney University of Manchester (2012-2013). Can we use genetics to inform conservation strategies for the arctic alpines Saxifraga cespitosa and Saxifraga rosacea ssp. rosacea in Wales?
Helena Davies University of Manchester (2011-2012). Can the nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) increase the discrimination power of the standard land plant DNA barcode loci rbcL & matK in a temperate flora?
Laura Jones Cardiff University (2011-2012). Comparison of genetic diversity between living and historical material of the critically endangered plant Campanula patula, using microsatellites developed with next generation DNA sequencing.
Adelaide Griffith University of Liverpool (2011-2012). The applications of DNA barcoding: Honey.
Joseph Moughan University of Manchester (2011-2012). Biology and ecology of the rare perennial plant species Salvia pratensis (L.) and the implications for its conservation in England and Wales.
Charlie Long University of Durham (2010-2011). Barcode Wales: the creation of a complete reference database for a nation’s flowering plants and conifers.
Sarah Trinder University of York (2010-2011). Creation and utilization of a nation’s angiosperm phylogeny from DNA barcodes.
Chris Moore Cardiff University (2009-2010). Faster and cheaper answers to conservation genetics questions: A case study using the critically endangered endemic Cotoneaster cambricus.
Danielle Satterthwaite University of Manchester (2008-2009). DNA barcoding the Welsh flora.